The Future of

Direct Mail is Here

Want to get more out of your marketing? Let us show you how!

Even the best websites struggle to convert visitors from anonymous browsers to leads. So it should come as no surprise that the average website conversion rate is only 2-4%. That means you're losing 96-98% of your potential new business. How does TEAM fix this? Direct Mail Retargeting.

It works similarly to traditional retargeting or remarketing, which is when you automatically follow up with website visitors using online ads. But direct mail retargeting takes that follow-up to the offline space, where you can reach prime leads without being intrusive — because consumer attitudes towards online ads have been trending negatively for years. Another advantage? The average click through rate (CTR) of digital retargeting ads hovers anywhere between 0.25% and 0.70% yet we achieve a 9-18% response rate with direct mail retargeting — and this is standard in over 280 different industries!

So, if your website's current conversion rate is 2-4%, direct mail retargeting could potentially convert another 9-17% on top of that when applied to the 96% who leave your site without converting. That's more than double the original conversion rate. Of course, this is all hypothetical but the numbers are there.

eye opening statistics


of Americans look forward to checking their mail every day.

Average website conversions hover around 2 to 4% — here's what you need to do to recover the other 96%


of US consumers prefer direct mail because it allows them to read the information at their own convenience.

Someone visits your website to check out your business.

A prospect responds with interest to your marketing — whether it's a postcard, a pay-per-click ad or something else — and they visit your website. Site visitors don't have to convert in order for you to follow up with them offline — that's the power of this method.

Using a proprietary mix of identifying factors, we match that visitor to their home address.

Once you know which visitors you want to target, we add a small bit of code to your website that allows us to identify which browsers match that profile. From there, our proprietary LEADMatch system kicks in - collecting each visitors physical address, phone number and email.

Your pre-designed postcard is printed and mailed to each identified user within 24 hours.

That's one single postcard mailed to one individual website browser, based specifically on their browsing behavior. That's as personalized as it gets — and consumers love personalization.

The Solution: TEAMMail+

here’s how it works:

Number one with pink outline and gray circle background.
Number 3 with pink outline on circular background


Brand recall for direct mail is 70% higher than for digital ads.

Number two outlined in pink on a white background

the takeaways

Direct mail retargeting is a brand new, under-utilized way to help your business close some of your warmest leads people who visited your website to learn more about you, but, for whatever reason, didn't convert at that time.

Remember: If you're actively marketing and driving people to your website, you're doing a great job. You're already ahead of most business owners out there. But you're likely only converting 2 to 4% of your website visitors. Even tiny, incremental gains in this department can have a huge impact on your bottom line. And direct mail's track record isn't just incremental — it's legendary.


Studies show that Millennials spend more time with physical ads than digital ads.

62% visited a store in the past month based on information they received in the mail.


60% of marketing respondents said combining digital and direct mail increased return on investment.


66% of US consumers discuss mail from brands they haven’t heard of, provided the category is of interest.